Description | - The company website presents the information relevant for all stakeholder groups – and especially for investors – in a structured form.
Purpose | - Communication of all relevant facts at a glance
- More in-depth information for example on the financial report and on the corporate governance
- Archive function
Occasion | - The listing on SIX is accompanied by the requirement to provide on the company website information that is relevant not only for customers and employees, but also for investors and the media.
Content | - SIX has issued few regulations governing what a company website has to contain.
- The mandatory material includes the corporate calendar (annual general meeting, publications dates of the annual and interim financial statements), ad hoc announcements, and the annual and interim reports.
- In addition, the vast majority of companies provide information on the website concerning:
- Company portrait, strategy, activities
- Corporate governance
- Specific investor topics
- Media releases
- Sustainability
- The scope and contents will depend heavily on the size and the activity of the company.
Tips | - The website is the business card, also for investors. First-time visitors should be able to find the most important information easily and not have to search around for a long time.
- Studies show that investors are more interested in the «About us» pages than the IR pages; therefore greater attention must be paid to the former, for example with special sections on their strategy, the business model and the markets in which they operate.
- The writing team of the Value Reporting annual report (see ➔ previous chapter) publishes good criteria for content for IR websites in the brochure «Swiss Annual Report Rating 2023», from page 73, criterion 10 Digital Access to Value Reporting ➔
- Any need for action from the investor’s viewpoint is frequently placed on the landing page of the IR website. This should provide a compact presentation of the most important IR information, including the IR presentation for download.
- Pursuant to Art. 9 para. 1 DAH, ad hoc announcements have to be uploaded on the issuer’s website in an easy to find directory in chronological order indicating the date of distribution.