6.6 Annual and Interim Reports

  • In accordance with the Listing Rules of SIX, issuers are required to publish an annual report and a semi-annual report.
  • In contrast, the publication of quarterly financial statements is optional.
  • The publication requirements are described in the Listing Rules of SIX as well as in the Directives on Regular Reporting Obligations (DRRO), Financial Reporting (DFR), Ad hoc Publicity (DAH) and Corporate Governance (DCG) (see  Chapter 8).
  • Reporting on the fiscal year or the period in question
  • Transparent presentation of the financial situation
  • Sometimes also meets the purpose of a company portrait
  • Obligation to maintain the listing
  • Publication at the latest four months after the balance sheet date for the annual financial statements, time limit of three months for the semi-annual financial statements
  • Letter to shareholders from the chair of the board of directors and/or CEO, including statements on the strategy and its implementation (optional)
  • Sectoral reports (optional)
  • Detailed financial report, in accordance with relevant accounting standard
  • Sustainability report from the 2023 financial year, mandatory under Art. 964 (CO)
  • Special additional rules on the financial reporting apply for real estate and investment companies
  • Report on the corporate governance (only in the annual, not, however, in the semi-annual report) ➔ ser-ag.com/dam/downloads/regulation/listing/directives/DCG-en.pdf
  • Investors primarily read the report from the chair of the board of directors and CEO as well as the financial section (including notes).
  • A good catalog of criteria for the contents of an annual report (basis of the annual ranking list for the value reporting) can be found in the brochure «Swiss Annual Report Rating 2023», from page 68 ➔ geschaeftsberichte-rating.ch/2023/downloads 
  • More and more companies are switching to publishing the annual report only on the website.
  • The media release on the annual and semi-annual report must include a link (direct URL) to the report in question, or the complete document can be attached in PDF format to the media release.
  • Annual and interim reports must always be published with an ad hoc announcement since 2021 persuant to Art. 4 para. 2 DAH.