4 Core Target Group Investors

In a Nutshell

Generally speaking, when we talk about Investor Relations, we mean the communication with professional or institutional investors.

Accounting for 40 percent, value investors make up the most important group on the Swiss stock market. Index funds have experienced strong growth in the last few years and now account for over 20 percent of the SPI. Existing and new investor models are also focusing more closely on ESG criteria, meaning ESG assessments now form part of the basic data.

A core task of Investor Relations consists in finding out from the wide variety of potential investors which ones are a good fit for the company in question. This is known as investor targeting.

Just over 80 percent of investors on the Swiss stock market are domiciled abroad.

It is worth seeking contact with proxy advisors in the context of the continual Investor Relations and especially in the case of capital market transactions or delicate annual general meetings.
