Relevant and precise key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to measure the company’s material topics over a specific period of time. Like the material topics themselves, the requirements for these KPIs vary from company to company. It is best to apply a framework like SMART to define KPIs that will be meaningful and effective over the years. KPIs are SMART if they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. After KPIs are put in place and data gathering can start, these KPIs are combined with goals and measures to enable comparison over time and to document the implemented improvement measures.

Example of a KPI scorecard framework for the material topic of personnel safety:
 Material TopicStrategic GoalKPITarget Value 20XY +3Value 20XYMeasuresData SourceOwnerRemarks
SocialPersonnel safetyProvide a safe work environmentAccident frequency rate03
  • Employee instructions
  • Machine improvements
  • Safety gear improvements
Reporting office HRXYZ, HR 
Rating by external controlABCXYZ
  • Semi-annual external safety control
Number of near misses/accidents018
  • Evaluation of events incl. improvement proposals
Personnel safety feedback channelXYZ, HR 